Clinical Expert and Advisory Groups

Cartoon image of women, families and staff who use maternity services

The North East and North Cumbria’s Clinical Expert Group’s vision is that women will experience good physical and mental health before, during and after their pregnancy and their babies will have a happy and healthy childhood.

Improving quality and outcomes for women and families across the North East and North Cumbria is the common aim shared by the Clinical Expert group members.

Clinically-led collaboration is the underpinning principle of the groups.

We work as networks of clinicians and health care professionals we will collaborate to achieve the best possible outcomes for pregnant women, their babies and families.


Clinical Expert and Advisory Groups

Find the regionally produced clinical guidance and patient information leaflets

Guidance for Escalation of Clinical Concerns

NENC Antenatal Computerised CTG guideline

Uterine lower segment compression suture

**Trigger Warning**

This video contains surgery footage, the video is designed to help train clinicians.

This video demonstrates the insertion of a lower uterine compression suture for the management of post-partum haemorrhage.